Friday, July 18, 2008

The Welcome at the Hotel

So as we travel to Corydon for the State Finals of the 13 year old Babe Ruth All Stars I am wondering how the weekend will go, what funny stories I will retell, which stories I will not retell and such. Hank and I rode with my in laws and Grant took the twins earlier in the day. They had checked in a good 4 hours before our arrival so they were already at the field when we arrived. Apparently 4 hours was long enough.
We pull in the typical horseshoe check - in thingy. I get out, stretch my butt, take a breath of hot sticky air and hear from above, " Hey O'Neal's!". I look up and see the same opposing team member that is high fiving the boys from the district championship hanging out a window flapping his arms.
I'm like "uhm.....heYYY?! What's goin on boys, you all got the party room or what?!"
This kid shakes his head and he goes...." uhm no..... ((laughing)) uhm..... the party room is your room! It's so cool, you ended up with a suite! We got the X Box in there, all the food out and guess what ? THEY HAVE A COFFEE BAR THAT'S FREE AND OUT ALL THE TIME! THEY DON'T EVEN CARE IF US KIDS DRINK ALL WE WANT!"
Seriously.... that is the last time I send my hubby and kids up early.

1 comment:

Patti H said...

LOL that is funny! So did you get any sleep?